Wednesday 30 October 2013

Photo Prop Making with Orkibal

Hello again!
We're so sorry we took a while for this post as there are apparently a lot of stuffs going on.
So, anyway, besides graffiti-painting (check out our last post about it), one of the activities that was held on the 'Joy School' program day is PHOTO PROP PAINTING! For those of you who has not heard about photo props, photo props are props that we use to take pictures with. You know, they're like those moustaches or masquerades with sticks on them or even those photo props like you see in Disneyland or any theme parks in the world.

Examples of photo props
 On the 'Joy School' program day, there were already two photo props standing in the middle of the hall for students to take pictures with, but, more were created by the students of SMKTM, from a sunflower photo prop to 'Adventure Time' character. The students were given the freedom to draw, paint and cut out any type of photo props on their own, letting out their creativity and imagination flow. This activity was supervised by the famous character designer, Orkibal. The students were amazed to see how Orkibal can produce a very interesting and colourful photo prop in just a short time. As a professional character designer, he has designed many cute, lively and creative cartoon characters.

The students were given cardboards, paints, and tools to make the photo props. Together with their friends, they had a lot of fun doing their awesomely created photo props. Definitely something new to experience for them! I really wished that I could join the activity, but as a blogger for the program, I was tasked to go around the school, taking pictures, which is fun, too!

The students were amazed to see Orkibal creating a photo prop

Orkibal with a few of the students

Painting the cute minnie mouse!

Look how creative they are with different types of photoprops!

Mondelez cute red lil tubie

Twin photo prop in the making!
The students enjoyed themselves taking pictures with the photo props when they're finished. Bringing their photo props around the school, taking pictures with their fellow friends, they spread the joy throughout all the people of SMKTM :)

Mondelez's ready-made photoprop

Khairul (left) and Azziq (in the photo prop) messing around
Zainah in a cute panda photoprop!

Ay-ay Captain Adam!

Meet Atiqah, the blue Mondelez rabbit!

Ola! Meet Amira (with the moustache) and Fatin (right)

Hadirah joyously laughing aww

Fatihah in the cute Mondelez yellow bear photoprop!

Fatin in a cute kitty cat prop!

Ice King character from Adventure Time

Having fun, ey?

Them with their creatively created photo props!
 Some of the students even went around the school to take pictures of their friends with the photo props. As they say, spread the love and joy, ignore the hate.

Kuhan with Mondelez lil red tubie

Meet Khairul, the photographer

The Principal, Puan Julia and Kuhan having fun with the photo props haha
One of the bloggers, Diana

Fatin looks so cute in the blue rabbit photo prop!

Meet the cheeky Adzlan

Pretty Marissa in the photo prop!

Cikgu Norhayati in the lil lion photo prop made by Sabrina and her friends

Our friendly Headmistress, Puan Nasran taking a picture with her students aww

At the end of the activity, the students were ecstatic and felt proud of themselves as they all have created such colourful and creatively-made photo props for them to bring back to be made as memories, which they will cherish for years to come.

Mission to spread joy? Accomplished.
This program is brought to you by Mondelez International

Sunday 20 October 2013

'Joy School' Graffiti

The 'Joy School' program initiated by Mondelez International at our school last week (Friday the 11th of October) was a hit! Everyone was participating very actively in all the activities. The main activity was the graffiti painting on our school's walls. Do you know what graffiti is?

Based on Wikipedia :
Graffiti  is writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place.Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and it has existed since ancient times.
In modern times, paint (particularly spray paint) and marker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials.
Graffiti may also express underlying social and political messages and a whole genre of artistic expression is based upon spray paint graffiti styles

Back then, graffiti was something that most people don't really know about. It was often described as an act of vandalism, as it was always painted to public walls without permission. But over time and as years go by, people are more modernized now and they're starting to accept the art of graffiti. From the bottom of the sea, graffiti has risen rapidly to the surface. As they say, " Zaman dah berubah, dunia dah maju " Graffiti can now be seen almost everywhere in Malaysia. Professional graffiti artist like Kenji Chai, Orkibal, Nestwo and many more are hired to paint graffitis around the city and at schools.

The main idea of the 'Joy School' program which is initiated by Mondelez International is to encourage students come to school and love school more through the art of graffiti. By having colourful and cheerful graffitis painted around the walls of the school, students will feel more welcomed to school. The colourful environment really creates positive feelings for the students and teachers at school, unlike the schools with dull-painted walls and less mural or paintings on them. For your information, our school is the first school to be chosen for this program. GO MELAWATI!

On the day of the program, there were 3 graffiti painting with the 'Jom ke Sekolah' graffiti as the main one. Each graffiti is painted by a professional graffiti artist and a group of selected students. Together, they worked round the clock to paint the best graffiti ever! Students also get to show their creative side as the graffiti design is a share of work and ideas by the students, and then improvised by the professionals. 

Kak Julie briefing to the enthusiastic students about the idea of  the Joy School program

A group of students pouring out their ideas and creativity to make the best graffiti ever

The main graffiti of the day was the 'Jom ke Sekolah' graffiti by Kenji Chai and a group of creative students (Ida Farina, Hazel, Aida, Syahirah, Azziq, Akalil, Harith, etc) The graffiti is painted on the wall of the school's canteen, near the basketball court. The big and awesomely painted graffiti can be said to be one of the main highlights of SMK Taman Melawati as the graffiti can be seen from the cars passing by outside the school! With never-ending effort and teamwork, the team managed to paint a very beautiful and fun graffiti which shows enthusiasm and excitement in going to school. 

"You are what you draw" Kenji, Hawa, Azziq and Aida playing around while doing the graffiti

Dedication - MWT students still continued with the graffiti painting eventhough it was raining

Halfway done with their 'Jom ke Sekolah' graffiti!

Having fun while beautifying the school

Next, the 'Saya Sayang Cikgu' graffiti is created by Anokayer with the help from his hardworking team (Qaisara, Batrisya, Izzati, Qaisara, Syamimi, etc). This graffiti is painted on the wall near the school's beautiful mini garden. This graffiti portrays the message of fun and excitement in learning at school. After all, one of the main reasons this program is held is to produce a more enjoyable and joyous learning and teaching environment at school, not only for students, but for teachers as well. Anokayer has made the graffiti look very colourful, vibrant and eye-catching, as the graffiti will surely capture the heart of everyone seeing it.

'Saya Sayang Cikgu' graffiti in the making
As they say, many hands make light work
Anokayer spraying what will be the teacher in the graffiti
Tadaaa 'Kami Sayang Cikgu' graffiti is now done
The graffiti team members are more than proud to showcase their beautifully painted graffiti
 Last but not least, the next graffiti which is painted on the school's hall exterior wall is the 'Good Luck MWT Students!' graffiti. With the help from his sportingly creative team (Khaliq, Izzuddin, Afiah, Aishah, Sofea, Haikal etc), Nestwo created a very cheeky and cute graffiti wishing all the best for the Melawati students for their exam. Featuring bright and vibrant coulours with a cute tiger character at the bottom of the graffiti, it really creates the fun and enjoyable mood in studying and achieving success in exams!

Sketching the Good Luck sign 
The graffiti team are having a good time painting the graffiti!

'Good Luck MWT Students' in the making!

They can't be happier to have their graffiti turn out this awesome!

 In the end, everyone was so happy to have completed all the graffitis. True dedication of SMK Taman Melawati students were clearly shown when the students were willing to stay back and went home late that day just to finish up the graffitis. Thanks to Mondelez International, this program really gave our school, SMK Taman Melawati a new face-lift. Students are now walking around the school feeling happier, more welcomed and more joyful! Needless to say, such programs are really good and benefiting as they create an environment in school where students feel more joyful, relaxed and happier. This automatically creates a more conducive environment for them to study in, which will lead to success in their studies. Moreover, these activities really bring out the creative side of every students and make them appreciate and love art more. 

The happy faces of Melawatians celebrating the end of the program!
"Their dedication made sure that all Melawatians gets to enjoy beautiful art in every corner after the day was over. Very impressive for some 15 year old-s. Now, isn't SMK Tmn SMK TAMAN MELAWATI the most exciting school in town?"

                                                                     This program is brought to you by Mondelez International